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The app now has songs!

About this project

Hi! I'm Dan, a Yoga and meditation teacher from Romania with a passion for music, flutes and hand drums. Find me on Facebook and Instagram.

I created this app to help Tin Whistle Players...

I plan to add many more pieces soon.

Contact me at for sugestions and feedback.

I teach music production in Ableton Live and can teach music theory. I can also share what I know about frame drumming but I am still a student.

ᐅ Check out my Youtube channel as well!

ᐅ Also, you can support this project and get bonuses on Patreon.

Welcome to the Tin Whistle Magic App!

I'm Dan, a Qigong and meditation teacher from Romania with a passion for woodwinds and percussion. I created this app for Tin Whistlers in a desire to offer several possibilities all in one place: backing traks, a metronome with woodblock sound, practice backing tracks with metronome at various speeds and a qucik way to make TABS and the ability to access available songs fast and easy. Patreons can get their own personalized version with the ability to save songs, transpose tabs and more. Email me at for details.

abcd efga BCDEFGA
Backing Track
With Solo
Slower Solo
Practice track with Click
Slower -10bpm
Dark Theme
Adjust Font Size:

Enter or copy/paste your letter notation. You can separate musical phrases by a space. You can name your song and each section by entering "Name, Section name, abc...".

Hit ENTER when done.

Enter or copy/paste your letter notation. You can separate musical phrases by a space. You can name each section by entering "Section name, abc...". If you want to add a title you need to use the TABS button first, and then ADD.

Hit ENTER when done.

Enter your letter notation in C Major. You can separate musical phrases by a space. You may add a title for your song followed by a comma in the beginning.

Hit ENTER when done.